Need a new laptop dedicated to tuning, but not sure where to start? 

We got you with our collection of turnkey laptops that will get the job done.  We take the guesswork out of which laptop you need and with which specs to run HP Tuners or SCT Advantage seamlessly. 

Even better, we also upload the latest version of the HP Tuners VCM Suite and MPVI2 drivers making this laptop ready to go upon arrival.  

We have three options to choose from:

Professional Laptop:  This is the option for the professional tuner.  A high quality laptop that comes with the HP Tuners software and drivers preloaded and above the required specs from HP Tuners.  We also supercharge this laptop with 100+ stock files from GM, Ford, and Dodge vehicles from our instructors, scanner layouts, and injector data from FIC (Fuel Injector Clinic) and Injector Dynamics.  Learn More HERE

Advanced Laptop:  This is the best option for the tuner looking to tune multiple vehicles.  This will come with the HP Tuners software and drivers preloaded and above the required specs from HP Tuners.  We also supercharge this laptop with 100+ stock files from GM, Ford, and Dodge vehicles from our instructors, scanner layouts, and injector data from FIC (Fuel Injector Clinic) and Injector Dynamics.  Learn More HERE

Novice Laptop:  The standard laptop is a great option for the enthusiast looking for a laptop to get the job done. This will come with the HP Tuners software and drivers preloaded and above the required specs from HP Tuners.  You will have ample space to build your own collection of tune files, scanner data, and more.  This is a great stepping stone forward into tuning.   Learn more HERE