AEM’s X-Series OBDII Wideband UEGO AFR Sensor Controller Gauge

AEM’s X-Series OBDII Wideband UEGO AFR Sensor Controller Gauge

If you use open source software or piggyback tuning modules, then AEM’s X-Series OBDII Wideband UEGO AFR Sensor Controller Gauge is just the tool you need. Deliver the most accurate, safe, and powerful tune with this patented X-digital technology, making it the fastest series with an even faster response time. The wideband controller gauge allows you to view the air/fuel ratio data through the factory CAN-bus stream that is output by the factory ECU. It comes with an OBDII pass-through connector and Bosch 4.9LSU sensor that can be free-air calibrated or used with the factory resistor calibration. Learn how to install it in this AEM Performance Electronics video, and how to run HP Tuners software to get the data from the streams into your logs. 
Purchase the X-Series OBDII Wideband AFR Controller Gauge here.

Learn more about this product from AEM Performance Electronics

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