
Why You Need to Mod & Tune Your CTS-V

Why You Need to Mod & Tune Your CTS-V

The Cadillac CTS V is one of the most well-known, bang-for-your-buck, performance luxury sedans on the market today. ... more

Instructor Bio: Brett McClelland

Instructor Bio: Brett McClelland

In 2013, Brett made the decision to get into the industry that was made for him: the motor/vehicle industry. We were ... more

Camaro - White

VVT in 123

You're ready to tune your Hemi, or you already have your Hemi tuned. All is great, but what about that cam phaser thi... more

Instructor Bio: Gerrot Jacobson

Instructor Bio: Gerrot Jacobson

Gerrot started teaching in 2012 at a college level. We were excited to bring him to the team earlier this year as the... more

Fuel Trims & The Tuning Process

Fuel Trims & The Tuning Process

Knowing what open and closed loop is, how it works, and what sensors it uses is the first step. But now how does clos... more

HP Tuners Template Editor & Applicator

HP Tuners Template Editor & Applicator

If you're looking to automate, expedite or otherwise speed up your tuning process, HP Tuners has released a great new... more